Greetings from Korea! I hope you all are doing spectacularly
well; I have come to the decision that I will only be contributing this blog
every other week in order to try and save my time for writing my family. But
please check back every other week for tales of my adventures.
This weeks adventure is fairly fantastic if I do say so myself.
Two weeks ago we decided to plan a district P-Day (preparation day), so that we
could all have some fun together. Monday last we met together at our designated
point without anything really defined on the agenda. Well while enjoying
ourselves and basking in our merriment we found ourselves walking through the
live fish market that they had in the city we were in. Let me just say, walking
through a live fish market in Korea is an adventure all on its own, and one
that should not be missed if you ever find yourself in the position to do so. There
are so many strange and wonderful things there that I have never before seen in
my life (I know what your thinking, I have only 21 years under my belt.)
However, I have been exposed to some pretty offbeat adventures. Anyway, as we
were walking through the colorful and pungent market one of the elders
mentioned that he had heard, if you ask, the fish merchants will let you hold a
live octopus. Well, we couldn't just let the possibility go un-pursued, so one
of the elders went straightway to find an octopus vendor. After politely asking the woman, she smiled
and said “yes!” (The exclamation is necessary). The elders, feeling the
bravest, proceeded to reach into the tank. They tried to catch a couple of the
octopi, however those crazy creatures proved surprisingly difficult to get a
grasp on. Finally, after a very wet fight, they were able to grab on to a couple
and began passing them between themselves, squealing a little bit as they went.
Once they had all had a chance to experience cradling an octopus in their hands
they asked if anyone else wanted to give it a try. Of course what was going
through my mind was that an octopus looked way too much like a legitimate alien
monster in a first rate sci-fi movie for me to want to hold it with anything,
let alone my bare hands. But then I
thought, "how many times will I get the opportunity to hold a live
octopus?" I knew that once back in Utah my chances were slim to nil. So I timidly reached my hands out. It was the craziest feeling I've ever felt. The
octopus’ body was so slimy and creepily weird, and it was using its little
suckers to hold onto my hands like its life depended on it (which, if I were a
regular customer I guess it did).
My expression reveals the level of freakiness
that I felt (hence the triple chin that
came into action, don't judge, ditto on the frizzy hair that only works in a ponytail). However, at the same time in a very strange and
grotesque way I loved it. Now that I think about it, it does seem kind of odd
that I am accumulating incidences that involve octopi, but I guess that's how it
rolls in Korea.
The past couple of weeks have been a little bit slow for my
companion and me. We are working through what I have heard described as a “bit
of a dry spell”. Lately, we have had a
few days where we were just not sure how we could possibly fill all the hours
in our day constructively. There have been a few more days that we spent
walking the streets for hours at a time, looking for opportunities to share a
message or help someone in need. It was during those times that we became a
little bit discouraged. However, one night after a particularly discouraging
day as I was studying my scriptures, I came across a passage in Romans that
really illuminated my heart and mind. It reads like this,
"For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not
hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that
we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."
We felt downtrodden and we were becoming discouraged because we
couldn't see any results from the effort we were making. We wanted to find an
investigator or make someone happy, but like this scripture says, if you can
see the thing that you are hoping for then you don't actually have hope. Once
we attain what we are hoping for it becomes fact and although it may require
action to sustain it, it no longer requires hope. I think this scripture is
telling us that there are things that we cannot, and even will not see in this
lifetime, specifically the eternal nature of things; family, marriage,
blessings, happiness, restitution etc., but just because we cannot see or even
comprehend them does not mean they are not there. Rather, hope is a necessary
part of God’s plan. It requires diligence, obedience, and perseverance. By
having hope we prove ourselves to our Heavenly Father. By having hope we show
that we believe in the Saviors atonement and trust in its saving power. I think
God allows us to experience these trying days, weeks, and maybe even years to
teach us about hope in small ways so that we can understand hope as it applies
to eternal life. Our hope lies in those things that we can't see, those elusive
maybes and what ifs that make us question our faith and search for
understanding, comfort, and reassurance. This scripture also points out that we
must wait with patience for those things we cannot see. As I pondered these words
I realized that I can't expect to see the results of my efforts right away, and
perhaps I will not see them for months or years or even at all in this life,
and this is actually part of God’s plan. To prove my faith He demands hope.
First comes faith, and then hope must follow. It is my faith in His promise
that if I keep having hope while waiting with patience then one day my hopes
will become fact; and I will be able to recognize the good that my efforts
So when things get hard, when you feel discouraged, when all
your work seems to be without reward, never give in. Never give up. Never let
doubt cover your hope. Cling to hope as tenaciously as that octopus’ tentacles
stuck to my hands, like your eternal life depends on it. Let your hope leave suction marks wherever it lands. Push
forward and strive to always give all you can. Hope for those things you can't
quite see yet. As we work for our salvation, as we try to be a disciple of
Christ in our daily lives, as we struggle to attain happiness in our earthly
relationships and endeavors, I know that just by having hope the Lord will
bless us. It is one of His tender mercies.
I love you all so much and I miss you.
Sister Annie
Your posts are so great! Also, your face is hilarious. I can't believe you actually held an octopus!