I was informed that it has been
almost eight weeks since I last posted a blog entry; I had no idea. To be
completely honest I thought it had only been two or three weeks at the most. So
I apologize profusely. The only excuse that I have is the same one I give every
time: Time always gets away from you as a missionary. It feels like time
doesn’t just pass me by, it sprints it's little heart out. I feel like time and
I are in a perpetual race, and I am never going to catch up with it. I have
been in Korea for almost a year now and yet at times it feels as though I just
recently arrived. Maybe one day with some perspective I will figure out where
all my time has gone.
I received my third transfer to a new
area in the city of Daegu. It is a move full of firsts for me. My first time
serving in a threesome (three sisters = three times the fun), my first time
serving in a big city (big cities = streets with similar names = streets with
similar names in a foreign language = lots of opportunities to get lost), and
my first time serving in a ward (wards = referrals), just to name a few.
Like I said before, time seems like my enemy sometimes and this transfer is
already flying by. However, I am feeling overwhelmed by blessings as we have
been seeing so many miracles in such a short time; some big miracles, and some
small ones, but all of them equally amazing.
Sometimes when we experience
miracles, and we tell someone about them, they sound insignificant when we
relay them. It doesn’t really matter though, because the experience is both
real, and significant to the receiver of the miracle. Keeping that in mind I
want to share one such miracle. As I write it I know it may sound like a silly
thing, but just know it was a profound experience for me. On Saturdays we teach
a Korean language class for 5 or 6 Filipino immigrants who are working here in
Daegu. The building where we teach the class is a little far away so we need to
take the bus. Well, last week, as we were riding the bus on our way to class, a
young Korean man sitting next to us turns to my companion and says in perfect
English, "excuse me your bag is open". Of course she said thank you
and then we started talking to him. Suddenly, he looked up and realized we were
at his stop, so he hurried and rushed off the bus before we could give him our
number or any information. We were a little bummed out about it. He seemed
genuinely interested in what we were sharing with him. If you have ever ridden
a bus in a large city you know how randomly people get on and off busses that
are on a 10-minute schedule. We knew that the odds of meeting him again were
almost nil, if that. But one week later, as we boarded the bus to go to our
Korean class, there he was! The bus was crowded and we didn’t see him, but as
we sat down he approached us and said, "Hey, do you remember me?" We
got to tell him about our free English class and give him our information
before he got off this time. Like I said, you may think it's silly, and maybe
insignificant, but to me it was amazing. I never thought that we would see him
again. And there he was, standing in front of us, asking if “we” remembered
“him”. Miracle! (this is in a
sing–song voice, if you know me, you will hear it in your head that way).
Honestly I can't believe how many
things happen to me like that, simply being in the right place at the right
time so that we are able to meet those people that Heavenly Father has placed
in our path. It is a testimony to me of why I am here, and whom I am here
Not to be random, but changing
subjects, summer is coming to Korea and I am certainly feeling it. Daegu is the
hottest place to be during the summer in Korea, so this summer will be an
adventure in moisture control (that’s saying it as gently as possible). There
are times where I think it would be so much easier to find activities to do
inside every day, but I know that is not an effective use of my time or
service. Just so you know I am trying to tie things together, that is why I
love the scripture that I used to title this post. I came across it as I
have been studying the Old Testament.
In 1 Chronicles chapter 28 it tells how King David assembles the leaders of
Israel. David appoints his son Solomon to build the temple and instructs him
how to do it. Verse 10 says in its entirety: “Take heed now; for the Lord hath
chosen thee to build an house for the sanctuary: be strong, and do it.” I can imagine one of my parents
telling me of a task they wanted me to do, and I not really wanting to do it,
or maybe not feeling capable of doing it. I can hear them saying what they have
said in these very instances: “we know who you are, we know what you can do, we
believe in you…pull yourself together and do
it!” We all experience assignments, or
requirements, in life that we think are difficult. Maybe the surrounding
situations are less than optimal, or the tasks seem too overwhelming. However,
I know from a respectfully short life experience that we can do so much more
than we think we can. Sometimes…we just have to do it. Sometimes we just start with hope. Then, as we proceed with
faith, we slowly realize that we can
do it.
Thinking about the scorching heat
ahead of me, I feel a little overwhelmed, and even worried. Working in the heat
has always been a trial for me. Yet, I know that if I am strong and just do it, then I will be able to see all
the miracles that come from doing the best I can at all times. The alternative
is having miracles pass me by because I am preoccupied by a task
that seems difficult. I want miracles...and I am willing to work for them.
I hope you all are having a wonderful
summer I miss you all and love you lots!
Sister Annie
That's amazing! Love you, Annie!
ReplyDeleteAnnie it's hard too believe that you have been gone that long!! It sounds like your really enjoying your mission! That is awesome. Summer will come and go before you know it and you'll be on your way home with ton's of lasting memories of a wonderful mission!